AgEnRes coordinator. Senior Researcher at Wageningen Economic Research
WP 8
Validation and policy evaluation
WP 10
Project management and coordination
WP 11
Ethics requirements
AgEnRes coordinator. Senior Researcher at Wageningen Economic Research
WP 8
Validation and policy evaluation
WP 10
Project management and coordination
WP 11
Ethics requirements
AgEnRes co-coordinator. Associate Professor at Wageningen University & Research
Researcher at FiBL Switzerland
Project framework: defining policy measures and targets, technologies and indicators and model requirements
Senior Scientist at FiBL Switzerland
Project framework: defining policy measures and targets, technologies and indicators and model requirements
Researcher at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Ex-post analysis of fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations at different scales
Professor at Agricultural University of Athens
Quantifying the potential of selected innovations
Assistant Professor at Wageningen University & Research
Financial tools for mitigating price risk
Agricultural Economist and Modeller at IAMO
Ex-ante farm level and regional impact assessment and structural change
Senior Research Scholar at IIASA
Integrated Assessment Modelling Framework for EU agriculture at market and sector level
Program Director at IIASA
Integrated Assessment Modelling Framework for EU agriculture at market and sector level
Director of Corporate Affairs at GEONARDO Environmental Technologies
WP 9
Communication, dissemination and exploitation